Over the past few years we were very lucky to see once in a lifetime events. Like the full eclipse on

Over the past few years we were very lucky to see once in a lifetime events. Like the full eclipse on
I always say one day I want to go and visit
Now the Sunset: This photo was taken by my wife just outside town (Secunda) looking at the sunset over the factory. You can see about 50% of the Plant sticking out with all its lights. It is a pity we are located on the grass and wetlands of the Highveld and not on the route of overseas tourist therefore they never see this huge plant that generate fuel for the car they driving. The biggest structures you see on the photo are cooling towers that is big enough for a 12 story building to stand in. No it is not smoke it is steam coming out of them.
The next photo was also taken by my wife on the same evening standing in front of our house.
This week most of the people that were on holiday in
I hope you going to have a great 2009 and keep on planning your next holiday. Let’s talk about quick holiday to
My quick tour to
I will stay in one of the
Remember wild animals are with a reason kept in nature parks they are wild and can be dangerous. Keep with in the rules of the parks and stay out of trouble. Never leave you luggage unattended and keep your money at a save place on you. Never wander of into suburbs that are not on you touring plans and first ask advice at information centers before going into rural areas. The mosquitoes in the Pilansberg region do not carry Malaria therefore is this one of the safest wilderness areas in SA to visit. I will suggest you use insect repellent when the mosquitoes start to bite to keep the irritation of itching away.
These Photos was taken at